Sabtu, 30 November 2013


Once upon a time, there was a widow named mbok Sirna lived in a place in the Java island. She lived alone because she did not have a child. She really wanted to have a baby. One day, she went to the woods. On her way to the woods, she met a giant. The giant said that if she wanted to go to the woods, she had to give the giant her child. Mbok Sirna told the giant that she did not have a child.
The giant offered a deal. He would give her some cucumber seed that could give her a baby. But if the child would have grown untill six year, she had to give the child to the giant. Mbok Sirna agreed with the deal. She took the cucumber seeds and brought it home. Mbok Sirna planted the seeds carefully. She took care of the seeds everyday. After two weeks, the seeds had been grown big. There was a biggest cucumber and it was golden colored. Mbok Sirna slit the cucumber carefully. She was surprised with what she found inside the cucumber. There was a cute baby girl. Mbok Sirna was verry happy. She named the baby Timun Mas. Timun Mas grew fast as a beautiful girl. Then, mbok Sirna remembered her deal with the giant.
The time had come. The giant came to mbok Sirna and asked her to give Timun Mas to him. But, mbok Sirna made a reason so that she could extend the time. She said that she would hand Timun Mas over next two year, and Timun Mas woukd be more delicious if she grew up  more. The giant agreed with that but he said that he would return in two years. Mbok Sirna felt a little relief. Timun Mas grew up as a beautiful girl and it nade mbok Sirna loved her more and more.
Mbok Sirna kept feeling worry about Timun Mas. She remembered her deal with the giant. She really wanted to protect Timun Mas but she did not know ho to do that. One night, she got a dream. The dream told her that she went to a shaman who lived at the mountain. The following day, mbok Sirna went to see the shaman. She told him what happened. Then, the shaman gave her four packs of seeds. First packs contained cucumber seeds, the second contained bamboo needles, the third contained dressing, and the last pack contained salt.
On the determined day, the giant came again to demand the widow’s promise. Mbok Sirna asked Timun Mas to run away from the back door and she gave her the four packs of seeds. The giant knew it, and he tried to chase Timun Mas. Timun Mas remembered the packs, she threw the first pack to the giant. The cucumber seeds became a giant cucumbar plant. Then the giant ate all the cucumber. So, Timun Mas had time to run away from the giant. He tried to chase Timun Mas again. Then, Timun mas threw the second packs. It was bamboo needles which grow to big bamboos. The bamboos hurt the giant’s foot but it meant nothing to the giant, it just hurt the giant a little. The giant kept running to grab Timun Mas. Timun Mas threw the third packs to the giant. The dressing turned into a big lake. The giant was busy save himself. But, he succeed to escape from the lake. Now, he became really angry and ran fast to chase Timun Mas. Timun Mas was scared and she threw the last pack. The pack which contained salt turned into ocean. The giant drawned and died. Timun Mas was very happy beacause she could escape from the giant.

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